Kevin Brady tweeted the following:
"Honored to receive @PHAssociations Lifetime Achievement award. PHA's work to raise awareness & advance policies focused on pulmonary hypertension has contributed to the creation of numerous FDA approved treatments. I'm proud to play a small part in the fight for PH patients."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Kevin Brady:
"I support access to contraception. But Dem bill is alarming: - Funds more abortions @PlannedParenthood & allows them to use risky drugs not approved by FDA. - Forces health professionals to violate their religious beliefs.- Spreads fear/misinformation for political gain."Read on Twitter
"8 of the 9 #SCOTUS justices made clear the abortion ruling will NOT "imperil these other rights" (same-sex marriage, contraception, etc) Warned Dobbs decision would be "misunderstood or mischaracterized to cost doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion."" on July 20Read on Twitter
"My belief - whether you support same-sex marriage or not, we must respect its legal right in America. We should also respect our neighbors, friends, family & colleagues who simply seek "equal dignity" in marriage. Everyone deserves to live their best life, in their way." on July 20Read on Twitter