Kevin Brady tweeted the following:
"After 50 years banned, the enemies list is back in DC. My biggest worry is this dangerous new political weapon will target & destroy private citizens who land on that list. And yes - thx to Jan 6 panel precedent of subpoenaing members of Congress - lawmakers at risk too."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Kevin Brady:
"Congress has never before released a private citizens tax information. It wont be hard for partisans (in either party) to justify seizing & releasing anyones returns."Read on Twitter
"Three years after pandemic, the Democratic Capitol lockdown ends. Finally.@GOPLeader: Opening the House is more than just a symbolic measure a government of the people, by the people, for the people, requires interaction with the" on Dec. 30, 2022Read on Twitter
"Look at thisFor 1st time in history Ways & Means Democrats forcibly released full tax returns of a private citizen (Trump).NEW POLL: Majority of voters (Rs, Ds, Independents) want Congress to release private returns of the committee Democrats themselves. #SoItBegins" on Dec. 29, 2022Read on Twitter