Kevin Brady tweeted the following:
"Congress has never before released a private citizens tax information. It wont be hard for partisans (in either party) to justify seizing & releasing anyones returns."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Kevin Brady:
"Three years after pandemic, the Democratic Capitol lockdown ends. Finally.@GOPLeader: Opening the House is more than just a symbolic measure a government of the people, by the people, for the people, requires interaction with the" on Dec. 30, 2022Read on Twitter
"Look at thisFor 1st time in history Ways & Means Democrats forcibly released full tax returns of a private citizen (Trump).NEW POLL: Majority of voters (Rs, Ds, Independents) want Congress to release private returns of the committee Democrats themselves. #SoItBegins" on Dec. 29, 2022Read on Twitter
"Proud to visit with @newtgingrich about how my remarkable mom, left to raise five children alone, inspired us to give back to the community through public service. Take a" on Dec. 29, 2022Read on Twitter