Kevin Brady tweeted the following:
"TRUTH: U.S. has one of most progressive income tax codes in world. Top 1% shoulder 42% of income taxes paid. Debunks liberal claims that wealthy dont pay fair share."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Kevin Brady:
"Thx @ylanmui for your professional, fair & well-researched coverage of all things economic, including tax policy on Capitol Hill. Hope your net adventure is a great one!" on Jan. 21Read on Twitter
"Congratulations #SpeakerMcCarthy on historic win. The #GOPHouse agenda Commitment to America is just what this country needs to get back on track." on Jan. 8Read on Twitter
"The ingenuity of @NormanEBorlaug, father of the Green Revolution, is credited with feeding the world. Ingenuity of U.S. technology will address climate change w/out energy poverty or killing off traditional energy jobs as #GreenNewDeal demands." on Jan. 4Read on Twitter